Newtownhamilton High School 
Every Child An Important Child 
Newtownhamilton High School 
Every Child An Important Child 
Merit System 

Merit System 

Great emphasis is placed on promoting positive behaviour through our Positive Behaviour Policy. This document provides an agreed course of action amongst teachers, pupils and parents thus promoting effective teaching and learning while respecting the rights of all members of the school community. 
Our Positive Behaviour Policy encourages positive behaviour through a Merit System. Pupils will earn merits through good behaviour, which they can cash in to receive various privileges or rewards. These merits also contribute points to our House System where our 3 houses of Dorsey, Fane and Whitewater compete in various sporting and non-sporting competitions throughout the year and the winning house captains are awarded trophies on Prize Night. 

House Captains & Vice-Captains 2023-24 

Alisha Bailie 
Matthew Johnston 
Vice Captains 
Molly Leeman 
Jamie McGurgan 
Sarah McKee 
Evan Keating 
Vice Captains 
Nicole Johnston 
Sam Watson 
Grace Preston 
Jack Abbott 
Vice Captains 
Olivia Preston 
Harry Hamilton